Massage Therapy
For a complete pampering and therapeutic experience, why not receive a massage after your colonic? A combination of Swedish, Thai, Shiatsu and Deep Tissue will soothe and relax your nervous system, increase circulation, and assist in further detoxification.
60 Minute Session - $135
75 Minute Session - $165
90 Minute Session - $200
Wellness Day
Give yourself a wellness day because we all deserve an opportunity to feel relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated. Receive a colonic, a private yoga class and a massage for a complete cleansing and relaxing experience.
Wellness Day - $350
Private Yoga + Meditation
Yoga sessions are tailored to your specific level and needs. Private yoga training is especially helpful for beginners, in which proper alignment techniques are addressed so you are equipped for group classes.
60 Minute Session - $135
75 Minute Session - $165
90 Minute Session - $200
Health Coaching
As a client of my health coaching program, you will set and accomplish goals in a way that is empowering and exciting. I will tailor a program specific to your needs that will assist you to make the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes, helping you to improve your health, happiness and overall wellbeing.
Together, one day at a time, we will explore concerns specific to you and your body and discover the tools you need for the long term. My dedicated work has helped many people reduce stress, rejuvenate their entire being and enjoy life to the fullest.
3 Month Program $600
Initial Interview - In person or via internet (60 min)
Follow Up Appointments (45 min) 5 total every 2 weeks
Unlimited email access
6 Month Program $1150
Initial Interview - In person or via internet (60 min)
Follow Up Appointments (45 min) 10 total every 2 weeks
Unlimited email access
3 month follow up interview (60 min)
In depth review of your symptoms on health history form and initial interview
Pantry Makeover
Let’s clean out your cupboards and refrigerator and replace processed packaged foods with healthier options. Stocking high quality, wholesome foods in your pantry is key to prepping healthy meals and making smart food choices throughout the week. I will fill your kitchen with the ingredients that will best support your new eating style.
1.5 Hour Session - $200
Health Food Store Tour
During my food tour you’ll learn how to decipher food labels, discover which areas of the store to spend more time in and which to avoid, and understand how to choose the best options in different food categories, such as produce, proteins, fats/oils. We will also plan for a specific menu during our time together.
1.5 Hour Store Tour of Your Choice - $250
Home Intensive Wellness Retreat
Whether you’re not feeling well or just prefer to chill out, I can provide a nurturing hand in the comfort of your own home – a home wellness retreat. I’ll set you on a path to overall wellbeing with a combination of health coaching, cooking classes, yoga, massage and more.
Through an in depth, hands on experience you’ll learn how to make important changes for a more wholesome and healthy lifestyle - changes you can refer to for the rest of your life.
$3500 a week (does not include food cost)
Cooking classes and meals
Pantry and Fridge Makeover
Health food store tour (If you are able)
Yoga and meditation sessions
Cancellation Policy
Please be so kind as to give a 24 hour rescheduling or cancellation notice. Otherwise missed appointments will be charged. You must pay in full at the time of service for all treatments that have been rendered.
Licensing Info for Evelyn Arroyo: Florida #MA54694, #MM45098
Please note, that I am not a medical practitioner, nor do I diagnose, prescribe medication, give medical advice or treat any condition or disease. Colon hydrotherapy is not intended as a cure for disease but as a catalyst for better health. If you suspect health problems, please consult with your M.D.
The content shared on this site is a representation of my personal experiences with colon cleansing and wellness as well as the experiences of clients. The information published here is intended for educational and informational purposes only.